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Angelina Jolie banner Angie's Rainbow UNHCR





Angelina Jolie as Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR
Missions in 2010


Period 2001-2005
Period 2006-2009
Current year : 2010


UNHCR - Haïti After the earthquake on Haiti, Brad and Angelina gave $1 million to help Médecins sans frontières. On 8 february, Angie goes to Saint-Domingue and visits wounded children.


On 5 april, Brad and Angelina went to Bosnia and visited refugees in Gorazde, Visegrad and Medjedja. UNHCR - Bosnie


UNHCR - Equateur In june, Angelina Jolie goes to Ecuador and Haïti. UNHCR - Haïti

Video for World Refugee Day


UNHCR - Bosnie During her european tour to promote Salt, Angie goes back to Bosnia on 21 august. She meets Naveed Hussain (HCR) and Haris Silajdzic (one of the three presidents of the country). They speak about refugees and education. Angie inspects also filming locations as she plans to shoot a movie there set during the 1992-95 Bosnian War.


UNHCR - Pakistan On 7 september, Angelina goes to Pakistan. She visits Mohib Banda a village in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and areas near Peshawar (refugees camps of Azakhel and Jalozaï. UNHCR - Pakistan


UNHCR website
UNHCR website


Period 2001-2005
Period 2006-2009
Current year : 2010


Cast :
Producer : Rainbow team
Script : Maggie & Kunopès
Art directors : Maggie & Kunopès


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